Austyn's Cheer Competition

So Austyn is a competitive cheerleader. Which means no football or basketball games, but a lot of stunting and time at places very far from home. Austyn seems to love it and will probably continue next year. Her team is called Dream Allstars and her squad is known as Vision.

Austyn is in this sea of girls. Last row second from the right. Sometimes its hard to tell its her she looks so different with the "stage make-up" and fake hair. Yes she has to cover up her gorgeous hair with a fake hair piece. It has to be sewn into her hair. The only plus is that we don't have to curl her hair which used to take up to 2 hours to do.
Here she is after competing looking very happy. Her squad got second at this comptetion.
This is very early on Saturday before the make-up application. Remeber girls "you can never wear enough blue eye shadow". I only wish this wasn't the actual mantra in cheerleading makeup application.
Austyn showing off her flexibility in a position known as a scorpion.


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