Is that... Could it be??? Why, Yes, IT IS.... It's A Genny Screamer!!!!!

MMMMMMMM. Golden goodness from the banks of the Genesee River in RaChaCha. Winner of several awards for something beer related. It really is creamy too. Yummm!
This is the beer that I used to snag from Dad to wash down the Seagrams that I also snagged from Dad. Most of the time they were warm, so when i found them the other day I just had to grab a sixer and give it a try. Surprisingly good. Really good. Awesome and refreshing actually. I may have found another favorite beer to go along with Newcastle. Dan tells me that PBR's are the new hipster fave, but the jury is still out on that one. I'll have to see if I can find some in cans when we go to the Cabin, so Dan, Taylor and I can re-live our high school days.


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