My Baby is growing up! NOOOOOOOOO! These pictures are from Austyn's 5th grade Moving Up ceremony. She's so big. Daddy cry.
I love the difference between the girls and the boys at this age. the boys are all short and could care less what they wear, and Austyn is this stringbean who bought her dress three months ago and has been worrying about what shoes are going to go with it. (Socially awkward moment:Someone else had the same dress!)
These are all the class smarties. This group won the Presidential award for having a 3.5 or higher GPA for all of 4th and 5th grade. Who is that cute little blonde over near the ficus tree? Yup, that would be my smart little girl (who was very surprised to be called up. She thinks everyone is smarter than her. Silly girl.)
Goodbye Elementary School, Hello Middle School! The thing she is looking forward to the most is having a locker. WOO HOO!
Check out the mani! It matches the dress, yes?


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