Yummpin Yimminy
Austyn's back doing her cheerleading. They took a break from competition but not practicing for a few weeks. We had a competition in Williamsburg, VA at the beginning of our spring break. She is doing her back handspring in the routine now, which makes her nervous but excited at the same time. she's afraid she's going to spring into someone behind her. We are obviously very proud of her. I wish i could do that. This video is from practice. She does it right at the beginning. She's in the back row, kinda center of the screen. We haven't gotten a small video of her that has her back handspring from the actual competition, where they are all dressed up, but we are working on it. There we go. For some reason it wouldn't let me type under her video, but now i can, so i am going to, even though i really have nothing to say. One of my favorite words is trail. I see that word and it makes me very happy. Hike is another good one. If i catch a glimpse of ei...