Yup, we gots us a Beach Baby!

Oh Cabana boy! I need Mai Tai. Oh wait. I in cabana. I boy. Using powers of deduction that make me Cabana Boy. Damn. Who going to get me Mai Tai now?
YUP, it's official, we have a beach baby. He inherited his mommys Beach DNA. Austyn went to Puerto Rico with her mom as a graduation present, so rather than sit at home and pine for her return, we went to the Banks. Bryce loved it! He loved jumping over the waves and watching Daddys man boobs bounce.
The ticks on the outer banks are huge.
Mama, what you mean I can't dig to China? I persistent and if daddy take turns with me we get to go see Olympic games.
This pool very small. I like bigger one just over that way. the one with the waves and the fishies.
Yeah, that the one. Hmmm. those waves look a bit ferocious. I not so sure about this Daddy.
Oh. Ok. this not so bad. sticky and grainy, but fun. Very tasty water.
Come daddy. We go jump waves. I lick Mommy shoulders. When in ocean, Mommy is flavor enhanced.
Get me out of car already. I ready to go roll in sand and dig holes.
I could get used to this. I only wish that sand taste as good as it look. I keep trying it each day I come and it just doesn't get any better. That not disuade me though, no no, I keep trying . Eventually i think it will taste like cinammon sugar that daddy put on his bagels.


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