Family Reunion

Hey Grama and Grampa! We's the Grandkids. Good looking bunch a rugrats if I do say so myself. So the Family Reunion was held somewhere in Baldwinsville. Home of all three Baldwin brothers, yes, it's true. Syracuse has been the site of many Kim Basinger sightings. There was this awesome hill there that was very Teletubby-esque. It made you want to roll down it and eat Tubby Toast and Tubby Custard (or as they said it Tubby Tustard!). I think it used to be a ski hill. It would be awesome for sledding except for the lake at the bottom. Although it would probably freeze in the winter....Hmmmm
Each Reunion they take a picture of the oldest and youngest Waldron. Back in 97 or 98 it was Austyn and Uncle _____. (Dad, help me out here). This year it was Bryce and Aunt Jean. There's a better picture from the Fulton Times, but as i said, i need to get that off Hotmail.
Hey, There's Aunt Alisa and family! I told you we would hook up with them later. There's the Teletubby hill too. Makes a great backdrop.
And here is the Russ Waldron branch of the Family Tree. the picture doesn't give a proper perspective to the hill. it was really high and steep. Can you tell it made an impression?

Ok, so who else watched the new 90210? Please tell me it wasn't just Kim and I.


Anonymous said…
I watched 90210 and thought it was horrible! You just can't re-do old shows. I can't even bring myself to watch Knight Rider! Your boy is getting so big!

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