HapppppY Birthday tooo youuuuuu...CHa Cha CHA

Ok, So it's september already, but lets go back to those halcion days of July when a certain cute little blonde that we all know and love turned 11. Come, join me... Walk this way down the coridors of time...let all inhibitions fall aside and immerse yourself in the beauty and unbridled joy that was July 18, 2008.
Post dog and burger time. Daddy seems to have belly sweat and a unibrow. What up with that? This is one of the only pictures from the party that actually has the party girl in it. What up with that?
Hey, how you girls get so big? I want to see cake too, curse these stubby legs of mine!
Post-Post burger and dog time. Thanks to Hoffmans hotdogs and coneys! natural casings make all the difference. nice snap and bite. mmmmmmm.... Coneys.....
Here the lovely Miss Lilly models the latest in plastic flatware. She accents her clear plastic fork and spoon with a lovely cake facial. Miss Lilly raves about her cake facials. "They keep me looking young and beautiful, much better than botox" she is reported to say.


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