Life's a Beach

So, Jump forward to August. Our first vacation was back to the beach, and this time we were able to bring Austyn. Last June when we went she was in Puerto Rico with her mom. Yes, it's a rough life.
Bryce still loves the beach. Grandma Waldron says it's in his blood. we had perfect weather, but the sand was really hot.
We enjoy the surfline. Nice cool sand that doesn't hurt our feet. Fills up our crotch with sand, but that's the price you pay.
A walking boy is a good thing. Austyn loved playing with him in the sand and the waves.
I dig, therefore I am. I eat sand, therefore I crunch when I chew. I drink salt water, therefore I get diarhea.
Hey, who let the papparazzi in here? I thought that this was a private beach. We're just trying to have a nice quiet vacation..... I don't care if People magazine is paying top dollar. Leave us alone!
No Daddy! Stop the madness! You can't just bury Sissy here! I love her! I know that she is a pre-Teen, but that's no reason to just dig a hole and leave her on the beach. Let me work with her. I'll get her to be more social and not think you're such a dork.


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