Great Green North

After the beach and giving Austyn a day to recover from her fever and getting to sleep in our own bed (sooooo good), it was pack up the family, stuff the clothes we just washed back in the bags and head up north to Syracuse and the Waldron Clan. We had to rush because the Family reunion was the next day and Austyn and I hadn't been able to go to one for about ten years as it was usually held the weekend after July 4, and i was always working. They changed it this year and i figured "What the heck, time to introduce Kim and Bryce to the clan". More on that later. I have to figure out how to get the pictures from Hotmail.
Grampa, what is all this green stuff on your yard? Our yard is all sticks and dirt. Where the sticks? Where the dirt? I blinded by all this green.
Aunt Jen and Olivia checked out the green as well. We haven't seen them for a while as Uncle Taylor had been living at the hospital. We're very glad that he is better and we can see him (them).
There he is! And here is the hobby horse. I don't know what a horse is, but this thing is cool. It's bouncy and swingy. Cool.
There's the famdamily. Aunt Alisa and family were visiting Dan's family in Oswego. We hooked up with them later. Hey, is that New York Pizza! Yeah Baby! None of that crap we get in Maryland. It's the water.


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