What is that boy doing? AFHV here we come!

We apologize to all friends and family for not posting any vacation photos yet. We've been back at school for two weeks or so and by the time we get back, deal with Cheerleading practices, get dinner for two ravenous kids and get said kids to bed, We're just pooped and haven't had any energy for any blogging. Life in the new millennium I suppose. Boo Hoo Hoo, we are too tired to blog...... Plus, the boy is just too fast. we can't seem to get the camera out quick enough when he's doing cute stuff. And Austyn is busy being little miss popularity. She's never here and when she is she's on the computer IMing people. Anywhoo , we did manage to catch the boy doing something cute. Stay with it. it gets good at the end. the camera actually ran out of batteries or you could have seen and heard more. It's his favorite new game. Daddy's belly is a bit too hairy, but he has done it on my shoulder and upper arm. enjoy. It's a bit dark, but turn up the volume, it's worth it.


Anonymous said…
That is PRICELESS!!! Get another one with better lighting and send it in to AFV- don't forget, I know the executive producer!

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