Curtain's up!
The Grand Unveiling. and for some reason we are back in blue with underlining. I guess that is because i started typing at the top of the blog. let's switch to the next little section below my no longer lovely knee.
Yep, that was it. Here is the grand unveiling. that yellow stuff is steritape. i guess it keeps it from becoming unsteril and untaped. did i mention it's yellow.
That's cotton batting on my leg. i don't have grey leg hair. it's the same stuff that they use on those cheesy decorating shows where they say they are going to make them a new couch then just staple some of this stuff to a hunk of plywood. ooo, real comfy.
could i have more scars? the round one on my knee cap is from when i tried to knee slide out of a wipe out on a concrete bank. the nice long one next to the 6 staples is from when i wiped out on my bike a few years back. had like 5 stitches for that one. they wanted it to drain. eeeeuw. this time i had a total of 15 staples and 6 new scars. cool.