Taking care of business

man, i hate this thing. i don't have the faintest idea why it's underlined and blue, but there you go. so here we go with getting the baby's room ready. the paint in this house has never been changed since 75 or 79, whenever the heap was built. I don't know how they lived all that time with these beige walls and ceilings. anywhoo, here is me painting the ceiling a nice clean white. i started this in february, or maybe it was march. i can't remember. much has occurred since i started painting.
Look, she has a belly and the text is not underlining any more. whatever. I was going to put the picture where she actually showed me her belly, but she would probably divorce me or cut off important bits. She looks so beautiful. I won't go into how she thinks she looks. suffice it to say she doesn't believe me. she says i'm biased. i just say it like i see it.


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