Making Waves. Do the Wave. Catch the Wave. Choose the one you like.

here's a hairy man drawing on the walls. usually you get in trouble for doing that, but i'm the daddy, so i get to do these things. I made the stencil too. that was the first draft also. no changes were necessary. i could have used a permanent marker. i used a pencil because i thought i may have needed to erase or modify. silly rabbit, pencils are for people who make mistakes. i didn't need to worry at all. my hand was steady and true. I rock.

The view outside the window isn't too bad this time of year. The dogwood (?) is blooming.
Uh oh! It looks like the wind is picking up and the waves are getting bigger. Small craft advisory is in effect. Better call Grandpa Hood (he's a volunteer Coast Guard dude)!
NO! The waves are too big, better ditch the boat and break out the surfboard. looks like the sets are rolling in nice and even. Check out the barrels. Shaka Brah!


When shall we schedule you to paint the nursery in Missoula, we would like a woodland scene.

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