Lets see what's new

Here is sweet little Olivia. She is so cool. Her parents are such nerds. I don't know where she gets it. she must take after her Uncle Rusty.
I had my operation just before our Spring Break, so we had the next week off. I think Austyn started with the "I'm bored" on Monday. Not a good start. So we all decided that we would head to Baltimore and go to the Aquarium, as most of us hadn't been in years. I think Austyn was 2 or 3 the last time we went. She didn't even remember. Luckily they had free wheelchairs for me. Unluckily it was spring break for tons of other little rugrats who didn't want to move out of the way for the old guy in the wheelchair. we still got to see lots of cool stuff. The Dolphin show was a hit as usuall. we all liked the Skates and Rays. I thought we took pictures of us with various finned creatures, but i can't seem to find them, so here are the real stars of the aquarium. we liked the big fish there. he had a little pug nose.
Here he is. I wonder what he would taste like with a little butter and garlic? He was a big fat thing. make a big circle with your arms and he's probably a little bigger than that.
Turtle, turtle.
There, that should make Jessica happy. You see, she has a newborn who does all this fun, new stuff every day, so she has new posts daily. We have a gimpy dad who lays around all day, a mom who goes to work and a daughter who goes to school every day. not quite as exciting as a newborn.


Yes, I am happy now. Now lets see some baby shower pics:) I know, I know, pushy pushy.

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