More April showers. I'm running out of cute things to say.

Barefoot and Presents! See, I still got it. (Instead of Barefoot and Pregnant, I said Barefoot and Presents, get it, Presents instead of Pregnant. Get it? I think my humor is wasted on you people.) Luke thought it was funny. he's rolling around on his back as we speak. See a couple of posts back.
So, this was the family and friends (as opposed to the work and friends one of last post) shower. Andrea and Laura hosted us at Chris and Andrea's place. Thanks! Kim brought the camera, but didn't take any pictures, so i took pictures when i returned. Grandma and Grandpa Waldron came down to join in the fun, as well as Grandma and Grandpa Hood and Grandma Fry. Stacey and Keisha came as well, but they left before i came back to take pictures. I'm sure others took pictures during and we will have some to share at a later date.
Oh yeah, Aunt Pat came too, all the way from Oneida, home of great, shiny silverware.
Here's the hostesses, Ooo, surprise, surprise, Laura is in the Kitchen! She's neither barefoot or pregnant, though. Have to point that out. Neither is Harrison. You probably all knew that though.
Now, it's hard to see from this photo whether or not Andrea is barefoot, but she was recently pregnant. Lilly was sleeping, though we heard she made quite the impression on the Yankee contingency. She is a sweetheart. Takes after her big brother.


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