It's a Belly! Why is she laying down?

Here's the last few pictures of the Waldrons Cutting the Rug at The Johnstone Wedding. Lots of shifting in that last sentence. Although you will notice that Rusty is standing on his own two feet. Why is that pertinent? wait till the next post.
Kim isn't actually laying down here. she is standing in front of the mattress that i dragged out of the old guest room which is now, or soon to be, the babies room. It's in our bedroom rather than downstairs in the old computer room which is soon to be the new guest room. why isn't it down there? because we still need to disassemble shelving units and computer tables so that we can make room for beds and such. why haven't I done any of that stuff yet, wait until the next post. It's called foreshadowing people. I'm watching Star Trek the next generation as i type this. there is a guy on it who looks like a hamster. He's flying a ship though. That's one educated hamster guy.


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