
Showing posts from November, 2006
Oooo, I can put text inbetween pictures. Look, I did it again. Here's Papa Russ and Alisa. Snow bunnies. Bunnies are so cute. all hippity and hoppity. I found some more pictures. Gotta get the rest of the fambily on here. here's Alisa, Dan, Mom and Dad and Danny too. That boy is hard to get a picture of. Do I have Taylor and OJ? well, I do now. see ya
Hey, it's been a while, so I thought I would check in. Kim is pregnant and beautiful. Well, she's always been beautiful, now she's also pregnant. I don't even know if I have any good pictures to put on, it's just been so long I didn't want you all to miss me. enjoy whatever i find to put on here. also, visit my friend Doug's blog the salvage yard ranch ( ). everything is bigger in texas. that's Austyn during her grunge phase. Eat your heart out Kurt Cobain. Oh yeah, you're dead. That's Kim with our new niece Lilly and me with our other new-ish niece Olivia. so there ya go. enjoy