
Showing posts from June, 2007

OOOOO, Video. It killed the radio star you know. just wait and see what it does here.

This is my big sister doing the zombie dance from Thriller. Pretty cool sis. Can you find her? She's the zombie with long blonde hair over near the right side of the stage.

Ode to my Uncles and the onesies that remind me of them

Hi Uncle Chris!!! I love my Hawaiian onesie. Can't you tell? I'm really just trying to test Austyn's hearing. She's so cute. I love to yank out her hair and try to eat it. Here I am channeling Uncle Taylor. Anyone for golf? Can I sell you a house perhaps? I do think these shorts are a bit big however. I love the cargo pockets. lots of room for my stuff. yup. my stuff. i gots lots of stuff. lots and lots and lots of stuff. Not really, but i sometimes feel the need to justify all the poor little khaki's that died to make these huge pockets on my pants. don't worry. they aren't on the endangered species list yet. they roam freely over the vast plains of Switzerland in huge herds followed around by little swiss chicks in pigtails and plaid and those big hooked thingies that they carry around. You know, like little bo peep uses. Dang people, do i have to spell everything out to you?

When i'm not screaming, I love to smile!

See. I was looking at my mommy in this picture. She makes me laugh. Not because she looks funny or anything, just because i Love her. If I laughed because someone looked funny that would be my Daddy. He's a funny looking guy. Oh go on mommy, I couldn't have possibly come out of your tummy. You are so silly. A bunny carried me here from Denmark. Everyone knows that's where babies come from. Hey, where is my hand!!!! Fooled you! I am just waving it at supersonic speed. I especially like to do this at 5 am when Mommy andDaddy are trying to sleep. I like to keep 'em on their toes. If I had a pair of dice we could shoot craps. Best odds in Vegas and Montgomery Village. Hmmmm, I do crap, and it does shoot out of me. Is that what he is talking about up there? It's not very good odds that my diaper cover will survive unscathed however. What is this Vegas he is talking about? Sounds like something I should look into.

We do have lives ya know!

Here is a very young and windblown looking Kim at Austyn's Cheerleading end of the season party at her coaches house. They had a moon bounce. Aren't you Jealous? We have pictures of Kim from her rowing days where she looks just like this. must be the bangs. Bryce loves his mommy. (yes, i know i posted the same picture that Kim had done the post before. I just didn't know it until i had already posted it and didn't feel like going back to edit it. Besides, we really, really love mommy!) Isn't she cute? Here is a mansion that i drive by every day on my way home from work. Sucks to be them. it must be awfully drafty with no roof. Here is everyone we work with at School, except for Kim, who was home with a baby. the blonde haired lady to my left is Mary, who's position i am taking over. The other guy is Mike, our school Psychologist. That is what Aunt Jen does. The rest are therapists and assistants and a teacher or two. Luke is still trying to figur

Daddy abandoned us for the weekend!

Uncle Dave came to the big city (no need to ask which city, there's really only one real Big City) so Daddy ran off and left Mommy and Baby home alone with Big Sister. This is Uncle Dave with his beautiful and extremely sweet girlfriend Annie. Don't they make a cute couple? When in NYC, the place to be is the Sheep Meadow in Central Park. Here's The Men, doing Manly things (sitting on our asses drinking coffee). this was early on in the day about 11ish. Uncle Dave looking very zen on a rock. He rocks. It's just like we're back at UB. We haven't aged a bit. As you can see it filled right up. Nothing like laying about in the middle of the City that Never sleeps in a bikini. Why is Annie giving Dave such a look? What a beautiful day. It was worth driving 6 hours each way on 95. (I don't reccomend it though).

Who's the man! Yeah, that's right!

The Bryceman has learned to smile! He's so cute. I sent this picture to most of the people that would be reading this blog already, but here it is again. Man, that is one cute little bugger. He really likes his play gym. At first he didn't really like any of these types of toys, or the bouncy seat or the swing for that matter. then he accidentaly hit one of the dangly bits and suddenly he noticed everything. Kim told me that he was laughing at his reflection in the mirror this morning. Don't we all. She did a great job and is a fantastic mommy.

Is that a smile?

Bryce is beginning to enjoy time in his play gym. He became very excited when he saw his reflection in the mirror above him and it looks like a real (non gas induced) smile.

Bryce is 1 month old!

Bryce makes the funniest faces when he's on the changing table. Read into it as you will, but he loves to be naked! This is on his 4 week birthday. At his 1 month doctor's appt. Bryce weighed in at 10 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 22 1/2 inches the 75th percentile. Already following the way of the Fry babies. He even has a double chin. The nurse also said he was perfect, but we already know that. Bryce engaging in one of Daddy's favorite activities...napping Need we say more?

Bryce visits his first Tex Mex joint

On our one month birthday Kim and Bryce came to work to celebrate Mary's new job and reduced commute. We went to La Palapa and had margaritas and burritas! Then we played pass the baby. First up was Brianne who didn't want to share. She does look very natural though. Nothing like a table of Early Interventionists and a baby. That could be a movie. 12 Early Interventionists and a Little Man starring Bryce and the Gorman Crossing RECC'ers. Here's Miss Cruise taking a turn. Brenda looks like she would like another little one. I think this was the only time he opened his eyes the whole time he was being passed. He would peek out to see who it was that had him at that time. Who are these people? There's Mary, the party girl. I guess you can't really call it a celebration, because we are all going to miss her, but any excuse for a party works for me. I get to take her old job! I'm pooped! It's hard work getting passed from person to person.