
Showing posts from October, 2007

The force is strong with this one, yes....

Did Yoda ever look this cute? I don't think so. Fairy Princess and pacifier Yoda! A match made in heaven. Boooooooooo!!!! Guess which one Daddy carved? Yoda loves his excersaucer. And a bubble bath! We needed to mop the floor after this one. Scary, OOOOOOOOO..... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

The Waldron family portrait

Hey, It's all of us in one picture! A true rarity. What a handsome group. Kudos to Granddaddy Hood for taking it for us. Note our sweet couch. microsuede. yeah, boyeee....

New Releases from women of da 80's

It was a big week in music for all you fans of chicks from the 80's. Yes, Siouxsie Sioux is back with Mantaray, lookin' freaky as always, yet somehow still kinda hot in a weird goth way. She still sounds great, if not a bit dated. She's still got great lips. Then there was miss Lennox, also proving that she hasn't disappeared from the face of popular music. At least Rich and I still like her. She's still got a great voice after all these years. And guest appearances from Madonna, how many of you can say that? Ok, time to get a bit political. The above statement is one hundred percent true, by the by. There have been studies by independent polling organizations that prove it beyond a doubt. Sorry Dad. You can't argue with statistics. Nuff' said. Speaking of women of the 80's, I leave you with sideways picture of the love of my life at a tender, young, more plaid time of her life. Looking surprisingly like the boy if you look close. I couldn&

Bryce beats the crap out of one of his toys!

Enjoy the elegant violence. (I saw that on a bumpersticker about Rugby)

Wait for the smile at the end, it's worth it.

He was very serious during this whole thing.

Eatin squash and visiting the Pumpkin patch (Pumpkins are technically a squash as well)

Mom has a picture of me looking exactly like Bryce does in this one. I mean exactly. Ask her to see it next time you see her. Kim Bryce and I went to our first Fall festival last weekend. too bad it was like 90 degrees out. We made the best of it. We got funnelcake. Yeah boyeeee.... Daddy and Bryce in the outhouse. There's something you don't see every day. Oh wait, Kim sees it several times a day! At least at home i close the door. Sometimes.... The next day Kim, Austyn, Bryce and myself went to Butlers Orchard to buy concord grapes and caramels and honeycomb and look at pumpkins. It just kills me that Mom and Dad have that huge arbor with all those Concords just waiting to be eaten, and i have to buy them in Maryland. Oh well. Damnit Daddy, why you gotta go put me in with these stupid orange things when I can't even sit up on my own yet? Oh, and Go redskins! Ok, If Big Sis comes in with me then i'm solid. She's so cool. I love her. I can kick her a

National Public Lands Day

So, like September 29 was, like, national public lands day, like, ya know? And stuff. I went into the woods to pick weeds. It was great. I split off from the group and went to the scenic overlook of the Potomac and C&O canal trail. It was scenic. Probably 200 foot or so cliffs that looked down on what's left of the canal. sweet. Here's me trying to be all ansel adams. and stuff. This one is actually pretty cool. Surprisingly good for a little point and shoot digital. note the focus on the branches and the soft focus on the leaves. magnificent! there is a turtle down there somewhere. he was swimming in the green waters of the canal. Nice green trail flanked by big floppy leaved trees. and , like, stuff.

Play Ball!!!

Being the huge sports fan I am, We decided to take in a Ballgame up yonder in Baltimore. The Yankees were in a series with The Orioles. See, don't I sound like I know what i'm talking about? Basically, for the Waldron family it was all about the food. We pretty much ate our way through the stadium. They serve Guiness at Camden Yards. What other reason do you need to go? Oh yeah, those guys running around down there chasing a ball around. Oh, and the KissCam, of course. Look, I'm drinking water. Wasn't I just talking about Guiness a minute ago? We actually got just about everything except the peanuts and crackerjack, though they were selling them. We got cotton candy.... Yeah boyeeee.... I can't remember what quarter it was, but that's Jeeter about to punt i think. We did miss kickoff, but we got to see a real home run where one of the Orioles hit it out of the park. The Yankees beat us like 11 to 3 or 4, it was pretty bad. Austyn was a bit worried t