
Showing posts from 2009

On the Outerbanks

We went to the Outerbanks to stay with Mom and Dick. Austyn was at camp, so she won't be in any of these pics. We really missed her, but the weather was great, hot, but great and Bryce really enjoyed himself. The fam. taking in some sun. Bryce and Daddy playing in the ocean. Cooling off in a bucket, who needs the ocean? Bryce loved his boogie board, he never actually wanted to use it in the ocean. The first half hour of our day was him jumping on it. I got a great action shot here. Very unusual with a digital camera.

Bryce in the ocean

Here's Bryce's first day at the beach. He did very well in the ocean.

Boy meets cone

Bryce's first Dairy Queen experience. This was the smallest cone they had. Not sure why he's surprised, but a cute picture all the same. Mama, do I have something on my face? Almost all done. No you cannot have a bite Daddy.
Surveying his kingdom...through foggy goggles. He never went in the water wearing them. Sandy boy Mom and Dick Bryce was very impressed with the lifeguard at the club pool. Here he is pretending to be one.

Splash Park

I had a few days off before summer school kicks off, so I took Bryce on a morning outing to a local splash park. We came here last year when Bryce wasn't walking on his own. Its amazing how much they change in a year. Its perfect for little ones. He lasted about an hour before getting tired out. Prancing through the puddles. Having a break. In the splash maze.

Splash Park video

Here's Bryce enjoying the local splash park.

Father's Day Weekend

Rusty took a gun safety course and found out he's a really good shot. Bryce loves Daddy's helmet. I love this one.

Bryce playing

Bryce's language has really come along in the past few months. Here is a video of him talking. At one point he asks me to turn the camera around.

Tracey's Wedding

Tracey and Matthew got married in New Orleans in April. They reaffirmed their vows at the end of May at Dad and Paula's house. We were able to attend minus Austyn. Chris and Andrea's family all dressed up. Rusty, Bryce, and I all dressed up.

Sandbox fun

Bryce got a new sandbox for his birthday. We think he likes it. he spent 3 hours in it yesterday and two today. Hi Daddy. I digging. Mamma Digging. Ahhh, Virgin sand, untouched by dirt, bugs and feet.

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers day to all the Mom's in our life! We Love You All!

Roundoff Backhandspring with tuck

Austyn took a lesson to get her roundoff back tuck and got it on the first day (on the tumbletrack) her coach wants her to do it on the floor now. Kim and I are petrified but proud.

Loon Mountain Day 1

Rusty and I took a short trip up to Loon Mountain NH. We got to stay in a really nice condo gratis thanks to our friend at work Carolyn. We got in very late Thursday and flew out Sunday. It was a much needed trip away together. Day one was foggy and a little rainy. While Kim took a lesson, Rusty boarded in the trees. Warning against boarding in the trees. The very deep snow. A rock Rusty boarded off successfully.

Going down the mountain

Rusty took this video while boarding. You can check out my mad skiing skills too.

Loon Mountain Day 2

Day two was much prettier weather wise than day one. Unfortunately it had rained overnight and what had been nice packed powder was a sheet of ice. We felt like we were skiing at our home mountain at Whitetail. By afternoon it had softened up and we still had fun. This is a view from the chairlift that took us to the other side of the mountain. Here is a beautiful frozen mountain lake that we could see from the summit Another pretty view. This peak is called Whale's Tale. No moose were spotted on this trip. We were really bummed. One of the few pictures of the two of us at the summit.

Bryce Playing

Here's one that is about a month old. Its a bit long, but has Bryce talking a lot in it. I just get excited about kids playing appropriately with toys. Its such a rarity to see in my line of work.

Laundry Basket

Hurray!! I was finally able to upload video. Here's a funny one of Bryce with the laundry basket. If you listen closely Bryce yells at one point "I got milk" when he stumbles upon his milk cup.

Lake effect snow

I finally got to experience "lake effect snow". Here is the mighty escape covered in snow. Bryce in the snow up to his waste. Sledding with Mommy. Going up the hill. Austyn going down the hill. Bryce riding with cousin Neva.

Grandpa Fry's house

A rare photo of Lilly and Bryce sitting down together. Bryce is trying to give Lilly a hug. She was less than impressed.

The Syracuse Zoo

We went to the zoo on a very cold day, but we were lucky to see quite a few animals outside. The zoo is a refuge for injured birds that can no longer survive in the wild. This bald eagle was missing most of one of his wings. He was still beautiful. A very cooperative tiger who was not camera shy. Don't you just want to scratch his belly? Check out the paws!! I think this is a mountain goat with curly horns. I'm sure it has a fancier name, but I can't remember it now. Some penguins. The two in the middle are the cutest ones. Apparently flamingos are heartier than I thought. The most exciting part of the visit for some of the young ones was when this elephant decided to poop and pee at the same time. It was quite impressive. We read that elephants produce 175 lbs. of poop a day. And I thought changing a litter box was bad.