
Showing posts from July, 2007

Slot Canyon revisited

Hee Hee Hee. I love this one. We are getting ahead of ourselves, as this was at the end (for us) of the canyon outside of Zion, but it's such a great picture I felt like leading off with it. Behind her and to the right was a blockage in the canyon, and I made her go first to see if we could do it. Virgil, our guide, didn't bring any rope, so we figured we couldn't make it. I was standing high and dry(not really, but at least not waist deep in murky ice water) in a sort of rim of the bathtub that Kim was plunged into. Though it was nice and toasty in the sun outside, it was icy cold in the water. I hadn't gotten wet past my waist and this was the deepest pool we hit, so I told Kim to stop for the photo op before helping her up out of the water. Ain't I a great guy? This is the entrance to the slot. It's called Red Canyon or as Virgil preferred, the Canyon of the Two Maidens. That's a bit hokey if ya ask me, but when you scroll down you will see why

A little red rock remembering....

I was looking through some old pics from the honeymoon and i felt i needed to post them. This was actually at the end of the trip when we were heading back into Vegas. It's me with a Joshua Tree. Apparently global warming is going to kill all these beautiful trees in the not so distant future, so if you get a chance to stand next to one, i highly recommend it. This is the Eastern side of Zion, after you go through the tunnel. If you click on the picture it will blow it up bigger. The sheer scale of everything there was just immense. Pictures really don't do it justice. Again, if you click on this one you can see Kim. All this was sculpted by wind and rain. It looks like the rotted foundations of an old house. Too cool. This side of the park was really my favorite. Don't get me wrong, the valley was killer in it's own, towering right, but i loved the shapes of the sandstone and the color was amazing. Look at that sky! And to top it all off, we got to stay

What's Archie Bunker doing in my pool?!

Bryce is getting into the swim of things also. Get it, The SWIM of things... He's in the pool... Swim, get it? Man, I crack myself up. He's channeling Archie Bunker here with his nice madras hat. Geeze Edit, why'd youse drag me out here in this types of weather? Where's my cigar? Luke tries to share daddys chest and ends up playing pony. What's wrong with pony? When i was a girl in old country, I had pony. Everyone had pony in old country. Only my pony not so hairy and he no drool like this one do. Geeze Edit, for cryin out loud, get me a beer!

Austyn follows in Dad's footprints, but where's the speedo?

No clue why it's sideways, but here is one of the highlights of Austyn's swim season. A first place in the 50 Free, which is what her dad used to swim in High School back at old Wheatland Chili Central, home of the Scotsmen. Go team! Rah Rah. I never was good a the cheering. That was Auntie Jen's game. I hope you don't get a kink in your neck from watching it. Enjoy. And yes, She did come in first!

A plethora of Cakes

Lets see, I think this was cake number 3, but it was the best because it was made with love (and a bit of extra saliva. eeewwww) by Kim and Austyn for her Family party. Lets catch everyone up on the number of parties she had. First was the Swim Team party, seeing as her birthday coincided with a swim meet. Can't really have a swim meet without first stuffing the kids with sugar, now can we? Then we had the Kid party. see last post. Then the Family party, which she slept through half of because the Kid Party had a sleepover component that kept her up until 3am. Luckily it was at her mom's house. Let's move on, shall we? In addition to Austyn getting presents, Bryce got a new seat from Uncle Chris, well, from Cousin Lilly really. She has grown out of it, so The B-Man gets a crack at it. He really enjoys being able to sit without being held onto. It frees up valuable brain activity for concentrating on keeping his head up. No need to send messages to those pesky

Happy Birthday Austyn!!! Subtitled "Oh My God! She's TEN!!!!!"

Yes, it has finally happened. My sweet little girl is no longer in the single digits. Last Wednesday she took the leap into the double digit world of Pre-Teen-Hood. Daddy is crushed, but more on that later. Seeing as her real day was on a Wednesday, we had more of a birthday week and had her kid party on Saturday. She came up with the rather Brokeback Mountain theme (Thanks for that one Jenn) of American Idol. Complete with karioke (did I spell that right, who knows, and really, who cares?) machine that had the words on the screen. Hint: having the words on the screen doesn't help, nor did it make it less painful for the judges. Anywhoo, as you can see, Austyn had her outfit all picked out way ahead of time. She's destined for stardom, that's for sure. I told her to keep the outfit for when her first date comes to pick her up (when she turns 25 that is). That should scare him off. Yup, she's a Super Star. Just look at her forehead. I think Bryce was contem

Said it before, I'll say it again, Who's the Man?

Yeah, Baby. When I'm hangin' round the Crib with some fine ladies, I like to break out the smooth, clean taste of Colt 45 Malt Breast Milk. My ladies know that nothing else goes down quite as smooth as a warm, fresh Colt 45. I call it the Champaigne of Breast milk! When I get older and get myself a Harley this is how I'm gonna hang on to the Handlebars. I'll get some nice Apehangers and a big, throaty exhaust and the women will come a runnin'! Then i'll head down to the Dinosaur and grab me a nice rack o' ribs and a cold one. Man, I'm gonna be soooo smooth......

Acheiving neutral boyancy! That's a developmental milestone, isn't it?

This time the air was a bit warmer and the water too. Just like big people, it took the boy a bit of time to warm up to the idea of sticking more than just his feet into the cold water, but once he did it wasn't so bad. At first he was asleep and i stuck his feet in and he started grunting his displeasure. Eventually we got him in up to his neck. Kim wanted to recreate the Nirvana "Nevermind" album cover, but Daddy said no. He does float though, with all his fat rolls. We were sitting in the baby pool (Do you know why the baby pool is so warm? All the babies pee in it. ewwwww) and Kim let go of him for a second to adjust her grip and he actually started floating away. True story, i kid you not. This was the only picture i could get before the batteries died on the camera. It actually turned out quite pretty. How could it not, Kim is in it. The ripples on the water are pretty cool too.

Random stuff

I'm typing with one hand while holding the boy, so I won't be able to make as many pithy comments on this post. Oh well. Here, Bryce wants to say something. jkmdkkosaskkskjujujiuszas;;[zd. well put Bryce, I couldn't have said it any better. All smiles in our bouncy chair. It vibrates as well. If they only came in Daddy size... Our sweet little water baby. Please let her stay little and sweet for a few more years! She is a great swimmer, she has the fastest backstroke and breaststroke on her team in her age bracket! That's not where the starter gun goes silly! Tummy time fun! At least for the first few minutes. Then it becomes Tummy Time Hell!!!!

I couldn't resist. He's so cute. I giggle in this one also!

More video. This is actually the first one that i took, it's a bit long, but hang in there , the rewards are worth the wait!

Bryce's first Hike!

It was a short one, but a hike is a hike. Nothing too strenuous. We just went wandering on the trails in the back yard. It was a nice sunny day and everything in the woods was very green. Bryce liked the birds singing. He was a bit concerned, but hung in there. What choice did he have, really? He didn't like stopping for the paparazzi however. We turned back shortly after this when a vicious deer was sighted. You just can't trust wildlife these days. Ya never know when they might be packin' some heat.

4th of July Fun! Be warned, there is nudity!

Ah, the 4th, birth of our glorious nation. Bryce attends his first parade! Go USA! America Rocks!! Austyn marched in the parade with her swim team. They had a Blues Brothers theme. What that has to do with the 4th I have no idea, but there you go. They looked good. Bah Humbug. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Someone famous said that and Bryce seconds the thought. Brass bands, politicians and horse poop. Who needs em? Later in the day we went to Grandpa Fry's pool for our first swim. We really didn't like it, but we looked good! I was ok until i hit my belly button. This stuff is nothing like the nice warm shower that mommy and daddy take me into. Give me a hot tub and a nice warm bottle any day.


Love the video upload feature. I have a longer one, but this one is quite cute also. enjoy.