
Showing posts from June, 2009

Splash Park

I had a few days off before summer school kicks off, so I took Bryce on a morning outing to a local splash park. We came here last year when Bryce wasn't walking on his own. Its amazing how much they change in a year. Its perfect for little ones. He lasted about an hour before getting tired out. Prancing through the puddles. Having a break. In the splash maze.

Splash Park video

Here's Bryce enjoying the local splash park.

Father's Day Weekend

Rusty took a gun safety course and found out he's a really good shot. Bryce loves Daddy's helmet. I love this one.

Bryce playing

Bryce's language has really come along in the past few months. Here is a video of him talking. At one point he asks me to turn the camera around.

Tracey's Wedding

Tracey and Matthew got married in New Orleans in April. They reaffirmed their vows at the end of May at Dad and Paula's house. We were able to attend minus Austyn. Chris and Andrea's family all dressed up. Rusty, Bryce, and I all dressed up.