
Showing posts from September, 2007

MMMMMM....Sweet Potatoes.......YummmY!!!!!

We had our 4month check up and lo and behold, there were Sweet potaters in my future!!! I loves me some sweet potaters. Quite often i love them so much that i feel the need to stick my whole hand in my mouth, pull some out and then smear it all over my face. Go figure. I'm only like 4 and a half months old people. The Boyz in the Hood are always hard...Come talkin that trash and i'll pull your card...Knowin nothin in life, but to be legit... don't quote me boy, I ain't said Sh*t..... Props to Dre and the rest of my homies. Back to the food. Have I told you how much I loved my sweet potatoes? You should see me when I get smashed bananas. More! I must have more! You didn't tell me that this food stuff was going to be so good! OOOOOOOHHHH. I need some tums.....Bring me a bucket.....

G*d D#*n I'm cute

Sorry to take the lord's name in vain there, but it's true. So we have discovered that the only time he doesn't hate tummy time is when he is on his changing table. If that's what it takes... Sorry Jessica, no pictures of leg warmers yet, but we did order some other Bum covers. The flames are still our favorite though. This particular one has dancing frogs. Who wouldn't love some frogs dancing on their butt? AHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY PANTS DISAPEARED!!!!!!!! Now the world will see i have no butt. It's very flat. He may have a problem wearing jeans when he gets older. We may have to give him butt implants so his pants don't fall down. Please, if you meet him don't mention it. We don't want him to get a complex. Big Sis Austyn still loves to play with me and she even got to feed me. Not one to be shown up by my older friends (Mr. Emmet and Miss Sophie) and relatives (Miss Lilly and Miss Olivia), I too have been eating The CEREAL!!!! And I didn

Who are these children?

I don't know who they are. i found the pictures on my camera, and i though someone out there might be able to identify one or both. They look like desperate characters to me. I really need to get some sleep. They both rock the 'staches though.