
Showing posts from April, 2008

Last April Weekend

Austyn's last competition was this weekend in Richmond, VA. Rusty took her down very early Saturday and I stayed home with the baby. Rusty took the camera but video taped everything, so just two shots from the whole weekend. Austyn's favorite part from her last cheer competition? Playing in the hotel elevator with friends. Here she is asleep on the way home. She would probably be upset that we put this up on the blog. A mother dove made a nest, in an empty pot on our deck, on Saturday and layed two eggs on Sunday. Luke and I did our best to keep her away, but we were not successful at frightening her away. So we will probably have baby birds soon.

Weekend Fun

Bryce and Austyn enjoying the weather and some swinging Grandma and Grandpa Waldron came to visit last weekend. Luke has found a way to be on the same floor as us and avoid the baby, sort of...

Bumping Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon

Bryce enjoys his new wagon that he got for Christmas from Grandma and Grandaddy Hood. These were taken in March, but we hadn't gotten around to posting them. We now have a tough time keeping him seated in the wagon. He has come close to climbing out while in motion. "I'm ready to go. Where are my servants to pull me? "Where are my grapes and palm fronds?" "Faster Daddy!!" This was the 2nd choice for the birthday postcard. Which if you haven't gotten one yet please let me know. It was probably lost in the mail.

Take Me out to the Ballgame! (Part Deux)

Saturday was Safety Patrol night at Camden Yards, and Austyn and I braved the elements to see the boys in black and orange play. For once my penchance for Orange allowed me to fit right in. Take that all you haters, orange is the new black! At least in Baltimore. Unless you go to a Ravens game. then Purple is the new Orange. View from the cold, windy nosebleed seats. At least they were free. We really only go for the food. I try and explain what little (very, very, very little) i know about baseball, she blows me off and we go eat funnel cake and super dogs. Works for me. They serve Guinness also. Sweet. Apparently this is the new bigscreen that is the biggest in all of Major League stadiums or some such nonsence. It was very clear.

Say Goodbye to the Mullet!

Not being big fans of the Mullet, we decided to get Bryce his first haircut. Tammy, my old Teaching Assistant (she's not old, she just doesn't work with me anymore), who also did Kim and Austyn's hair for the wedding, graciously volunteered to be the mean person with the scissors. She did a great job. Above is the before shot, you can see how it was hanging over his collar and ears. Ok, I have bib on, where's the food? I would like bernanner and some sweet peas, please. Hey Lady, that doesn't look like a bernanner to me. Daddy, I not so sure about this. Can't i just wear a Nascar Tee and embrace my inner redneck? What you doin back there, woman! I quite fond of my ears, thank you very much! With a bit of distraction we were able to get it all. Don't I look handsome? Thanks to Uncle Chris for the Virginia Tech suit. Hope you don't mind that we got hair all over it. Now we look less like Larry the cable guy and more like George Clooney.