
Showing posts from May, 2008

Surprisingly smooth considering it was taken from the handlebars.

a little bike video for ya'all

It was too nice to stay inside.

So we went for a ride in the woods. Ok, it was on a paved path, but it was away from cars and houses. Here are the girls during the snack break. They don't even have helmet head! The handsome and rugged Waldron men. See, there was even water. We stopped for a little bite along the stream. The trail goes from Rockville all the way into D.C. if we wanted. we did about 7 miles today. Someday we may ride to the Zoo. We have conquered the dead log! Long live the Waldron women! I'm not really sure what this is. Austyn asserting her dominance or something along those lines. Who knows. Despite all the bumps and jouncing, Bryce fell asleep after about 15 minutes. Banana break!!!!!!!!

Stupid birds have ugly children

Thoity Doity Boyds, sittin on a coyb, choipin and boipin and eatin doity oithwoims. Along came Hoiby from thoity thoid and thoid, who saw those thoity doity boids, sittin on a coib, choipin and boipin and eatin oithwoims. Oy, was he distoibd.


HELLO! WELCOME TO WALDRON HOUSE OF SUSHI! HAI! YOU WANT SUSHI NOW! OK! I MAKE YOU YELLOWTAIL, THEN SOME SQUID, THEN OCTOPUS! YOU LIKE THE OCTOPUS! TASTE LIKE FISHY BUBBLEGUM! HAI! THANK YOU VERY MUCH COME TO WALDRON HOUSE OF SUSHI! YOU COME AGAIN! SOON! HAI! (appologies to our asian friends. Bryce just looked really cute in Austyn's headband. he kept trying to put it on and then he asked kim to put it on his head.)(Hai!)

Not so sure about the bike trailer though...

When Kim and Austyn went to the movies (Prince Caspian: Thumbs up from Kim, Thumb in the middle from Austyn. She liked the first one better), Bryce and Daddy decided to try out the bike trailer for the first time. He wasn't too sure about it. He did like being enclosed in it with some toys, but kept his poker face throughout the ride. Daddy, are you trying to grow leaves in that pot? Why, they just fall off the trees every fall and you say bad words as you rake them up. Lets go already. He did smile when i looked back at him, and he was talking away to himself or to Mr. Duck, not quite sure which. He didn't seem to like the bumps or going fast down hills, but he's all boy, so i think he will like it the more we do it. He will probably ask me to hit the bumps. When big Sis and Mommy come with us he will like seeing them ride alongside him. there are a few places nearby that have paved paths that run for several miles, one even goes into DC, so we will have to trav

I think he likes his new bike.

Yep, he's definitely my boy. He helped me put together his new bike the other night. He swung the screwdriver around and tried to get at the hammer. You can see i tucked it under the couch cushion so he wouldn't get to it. This picture was taken mere seconds after i put him on it for the first time. AHA Zach! It's my bike and you can't have it! There is this older boy at his daycare (probably 2.5 or so) who, everyday when we come into daycare, says "Baby can't have my _______!" Usually it's his muffin, his shoes , his mommy, his whatever, the list goes on. Miss Kathleen has several of these bikes, but the older guys usually get them and tell the babies that they can't have them, and Miss Kathleen probably doesn't let the little guys get on them when they are outside, so I think he was amazed that all those pieces from the box turned into a bike of his very own. Thanks Lee and Jim! He loves it. Say Cheese! All that bike riding has me wor

Bryce Update

No new images yet. We will try and upload a cake eating video soon. Bryce went to the doctor on Monday for his 12 month checkup. He got his MMR vaccine and was supposed to get the chicken pox vaccine and hep A, but we are spreading out his shots. Just too many bad rumors about Autism and vaccines that just don't seem to go away. Anyway here are his stats: weight: 24 lbs. 8 oz. (75%), height: 31 1/2 inches (93%). So he's huge. We are hearing things that sound like words, but the lack of consistency makes me doubtful. We've heard Mama, Dada, and Cat the most consistently. He also has been heard to say or approximate all done, up, and baba for bottle. He has learned to sign "more" too. We also think he has named his pacifier "baba" because when he throws it out of his crib we often here on the monitor "baba?" as if he is calling it back. His favorite expression is "ooooh!!" when he sees something exciting, we have yet to captu

You mean I can sit facing forward?

I'm one and i get to turn around in my carseat! You mean to tell me i could have been facing forward all this time? You people suck. He looks a little concerned, but he was really psyched when i buckled him in facing forward for the first time. Note his cute little shoes. The better for kicking my daddy in the nuts with! The extended fam at Mothers Day dinner. I had rack of lamb. Mmmmm, Mary had a little lamb. Then I ate her ribs. Yummy.

Pimps and Ho's!!!!

Keisha turned 30 the same day that Bryce turned one, so a Pimps and Ho's party was in order. Kim and I went as ex-Governor Spitzer and one of his high priced callgirls. I won second place for my Pimpilicious outfit. Steve as Pimp Bartender extrordinaire! He started brewing his own beer too. A Delicious Irish Stout was on hand for the evening. as well as a whole mess of pimp juice. Ho Fo Sho Keisha lets it all hang out for her 30th. It was all fun and games until the stripper pole broke. Damn, I hate when that happens! If I only had a dollar for each time the pole broke...... I didn't feel too bad knowing that i came in second to Jay. He deserved it.

The Boy is ONE!!!! We Made It!!!!

We celebrated a day early, but he doesn't know the difference. The day started out grey and rainy, but definitely improved by the afternoon. This was the first big one that he opened up. A motorcycle from Carolyn and Carl! It will be good when his legs are a bit longer and touch the ground. Getting ready for the party. Bryce was very impressed with the streamers. He went to take a nap and when he woke up, it was a party! I got cake and balloons! Life don't get much better than this. As Uncle Chris said, I spackled it in my nose. I had a bath shortly after these pictures. Blue frosting is goooood! He couldn't decide what he wanted more, the cake or the balloons. He ended up having both. We have some video, but haven't been able to upload lately. We'll try again later.

Brown Thumbs at it again.

The people who had the house before us, in addition to never painting a single room, also had a penchance for letting their plants run amok. They left instructions to "just let the garden go and see what comes up". Yeah, right. We gave it a year or two and got tired of it. So we got out the trusty Roundup and had a shoot out at the OK Corral. Mint is a surprisingly sturdy plant. Very resilient and likes to travel. The vaguely rectangular brown spot with a strip of green on top used to be the garden. It was a bunch of black eyed susans and several types of mint with the odd ornamental grass thrown in. I decided to have an excuse to use powertools and go to Home Depot, and set up a raised bed to plant some stuff in. Bryce helped Kim in the front yard while Daddy worked in the back. Look Mommy! A Weed! I will pick it and eat it for you. Aren't I helpful? The pink stuff all over the ground is from the flowering tree in the front yard. I don't know what kind o

Birds are stupid

So, Our brown thumbs lead us to kill yet another plant. I can't even remember what type of plant it was. It was pretty. Anyhow, the other day we looked out and saw that a pair of doves had made a nest in the pot. we didn't want to throw it out because it was pretty and we figured we could plant something else in it and watch that one die as well. The doves take turns watching the two eggs and watching us watch them. Doves apparently don't have eyelids. Momma Dove never blinks. Nor does she fit in the pot all that well. Her tailfeathers hang out. Not a lot phases her. Luckily they are up on the table and Luke hasn't sighted them. I think he does smell them though, as he spends a lot of time near the screen door. If nothing else, it gets me out of powerwashing the deck for a few more weeks. Gotta see the silver lining!