
Showing posts from July, 2008

The state of Cat Boy relations

All I can say is "Sigh...." Take one pet door, a lightning scared cat on the top step, add one toddler and two parents cooking in the kitchen. What does it all add up to? Copious Laughter, uproarious situations and hilarity, that's what! Tune in next week to see what crazy shenanegans they get up to next! Mama, No! I almost got him! I can save him if you just give me a few...more...minutes...!!! See Daddy, Look, He's right there. I can see him! I think he needs my help. "Sigh....." Don't they know i'm an old man? I'm like, Eleven or something. I'm too old to have a Toddler. Drive me to drink.....

Not for the faint of heart.

Ahhh, Genny Bock in a can. It does make one want to strip naked and crawl around in the kitchen. Daddy does it all the time, he just hasn't shown me how to use the camera yet. Just wait old man. Your day will come.

I din't look at this video before downloading it, I hope it's good.

Kim took this one when i was at work. i'm sure it's cute. I only wish i could add the Flash Gordon theme song (by Queen) to it so it would be even more enjoyable. Freddie makes everything more enjoyable. that's what i'm listening to as i download the video. Too bad you aren't here with me. you could hear it too.

I have a very weird child.

I don't know where she gets it from. I would never have done anything like this. Of course, when i was 11 they didn't have digital cameras or computers that didn't need their own wing of the building. If you really want to torture yourself, while seeing just how worthless YouTube really is, got to YouTube and search for "Allie and Austyn Rox" and see (seemingly) hours more of this and more (mainly screaming little girls).

Dig my mad fork skills, y'all!

We're getting to that oh so fun "I can do it myself!"stage of development. Most times it 's quite fun, but it can slow things down at times, especially when he wants to walk by himself and we're trying to get somewhere. He's not a real point A to point B kinda guy right now. More of a Family Circus wander all over the page with little dashes following him kinda guy. Here the boy shows his fine fork skills. Word.

Long, busy, but very fun weekend

Chillin with Grandpa. He's pretty cool for an old guy. One sleep-over, 2 swim meets (one with a 6am warm up). It all takes a toll, even when you have the energy of an 11 year old. Say Cheese! I keep eye on Grandpa. He shifty character. Grandpa, What big eyes you have. I have belly. I show you. You funny.

More visit with the grandparents

Grandma and Grandpa bring me new books. I like books. I like Grandma and Grandpa. GAAAA! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!! Where you people take me? I all happy with balloon, then you let mutant robin sneak up on me!! What the hell wrong with you people? Drive me to drink...

Happy Birthday to Austyn and Grandpa Waldron!

Grandpa and Austyn share a birthday and Grandma and Grandpa decided to come down on the 18th to celebrate. Jen, Taylor and Olivia are coming in to visit next week when we are having her party, so they came this weekend instead. Austyn had a sleep over with a few friends on Saturday after a pool party. Lots of presents and wrapping paper. Skulls and neon were the order of the day. Sissy, I want to go play in the boxes! Hands off! Aha, That's what i wanted. Gimme gimme gimme! Ahhhh, that's the ticket. Sweet, sweet box.

Potty Training?

I think i am done contributing to landfills. I potty train myself. Mommy and Daddy too lazy to get me real potty so i show them. See if they make pancakes with this bowl again. Hey Ma, I need some toilet paper and a magazine!

OOO, Big doggie that can't run away from me!

I go to Grandpa Fry's house and he has big black furry thing like little black furry thing at my house, but this one lets me climb all over him. He doesn't bite me like little furry black thing at my house. He just sits there and sticks his big pink tongue out at me. We should get one of these.

Splash Park

Taking a page out of Adam and Jessica's book, we took the kids to a splash park today. Bryce was a little apprehensive at first, but became an old pro at walking through the spray. Here he is bravely walking through with big sis. Doesn't she look grown up? Its hard to believe she will be 11 on Friday.

More sprinkler fun

Little bugger tried to squirt me this time. He's all boy.

Fun with sprinklers.

Man, I wish I could get as excited about something as Bryce did when he found his Elmo Sprinkler. He got it for his Birthday from someone, but i'm not even sure who at this point. I keep finding things that we hadn't even opened from the party. Whoever gave it to us, Thanks! He loves it. He kept trying to stop it to drink out of it. Then he sat in the middle of the garden with all the bees. He's a strange kid, but we love him. I guess he was trying to save water by playing in it and watering the plants at the same time. He's a green baby.

Animal Sounds

Bryce and Daddy looking at an animal book. Its a bit dark, but you get the idea.

Swim class

We enrolled Bryce in swim lessons. Its mostly getting him used to the water and trying to blow bubbles, kicking etc. We also thought it maybe a good way to meet other people with babies. Bryce floating on a bar bell and chewing on a ball. He was supposed to be throwing the ball, but it must be very tasty. Here's our class. There is a couple there with a set of twin girls about 7 months. They are too cute. Bryce waiting for class to begin and checking out the other babies. He's the old man of the group.

Blueberries for Bryce

I sure hope all watching this have read the book Blueberries for Sal to their children or spouse. Fantastic book. Plink, Plink, Plink. No bears on this trip though. Bummer. When we were kids, there was a blueberry patch just down the street from the Cabin that we would go to and it was always something that Alisa, Jen and I all looked forward to every summer. So I took Bryce , Austyn and Austyn's friend Allie with us to Butler's Orchard. They had English peas, tart cherries and Blueberries. We went with the Blueberries. As you can see, The Boy loved it. He didn't really know what we were doing at first, but he really loved the tractor ride to the field and when he realized all he had to do was grunt at me and i would hand him a fresh, fat blueberry, he was in heaven. Lots of blue poop was in our future.

Bryce Walking

Bryce is taking a few steps now. Here he is taking several steps and giving a speech at the same time.