Happy Birthday Austyn!!! Subtitled "Oh My God! She's TEN!!!!!"

Yes, it has finally happened. My sweet little girl is no longer in the single digits. Last Wednesday she took the leap into the double digit world of Pre-Teen-Hood. Daddy is crushed, but more on that later. Seeing as her real day was on a Wednesday, we had more of a birthday week and had her kid party on Saturday. She came up with the rather Brokeback Mountain theme (Thanks for that one Jenn) of American Idol. Complete with karioke (did I spell that right, who knows, and really, who cares?) machine that had the words on the screen. Hint: having the words on the screen doesn't help, nor did it make it less painful for the judges. Anywhoo, as you can see, Austyn had her outfit all picked out way ahead of time. She's destined for stardom, that's for sure. I told her to keep the outfit for when her first date comes to pick her up (when she turns 25 that is). That should scare him off.
Yup, she's a Super Star. Just look at her forehead. I think Bryce was contemplating his feet.
She decided to tone down the look for the judges. She really does have a great singing voice. Hopefully America will have gotten sick of Reality Talent shows by the time she turns 16. I don't think i could handle taking her to an audition with Mr. Seacrest.
After Crowning Austyn as the next American Idol, it was on to the pool for a few hours with the gang. We got a really nice turn out this year. Having a summer Birthday is fun, but often people are on vacation when we have the party. Some people actually delayed Beach vacation plans so that their daughters could come to the party. That's pretty cool. They like her...they really like her!!!!
As you can see, Bryce was thrilled with the Karyoke. Too many girls. Yuck!


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