Not so sure about the bike trailer though...

When Kim and Austyn went to the movies (Prince Caspian: Thumbs up from Kim, Thumb in the middle from Austyn. She liked the first one better), Bryce and Daddy decided to try out the bike trailer for the first time. He wasn't too sure about it. He did like being enclosed in it with some toys, but kept his poker face throughout the ride.
Daddy, are you trying to grow leaves in that pot? Why, they just fall off the trees every fall and you say bad words as you rake them up. Lets go already.

He did smile when i looked back at him, and he was talking away to himself or to Mr. Duck, not quite sure which. He didn't seem to like the bumps or going fast down hills, but he's all boy, so i think he will like it the more we do it. He will probably ask me to hit the bumps. When big Sis and Mommy come with us he will like seeing them ride alongside him. there are a few places nearby that have paved paths that run for several miles, one even goes into DC, so we will have to travel a bit. There's even room in the back if i take him for groceries to fit.


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