Bryce Update

No new images yet. We will try and upload a cake eating video soon. Bryce went to the doctor on Monday for his 12 month checkup. He got his MMR vaccine and was supposed to get the chicken pox vaccine and hep A, but we are spreading out his shots. Just too many bad rumors about Autism and vaccines that just don't seem to go away. Anyway here are his stats: weight: 24 lbs. 8 oz. (75%), height: 31 1/2 inches (93%). So he's huge.
We are hearing things that sound like words, but the lack of consistency makes me doubtful. We've heard Mama, Dada, and Cat the most consistently. He also has been heard to say or approximate all done, up, and baba for bottle. He has learned to sign "more" too. We also think he has named his pacifier "baba" because when he throws it out of his crib we often here on the monitor "baba?" as if he is calling it back. His favorite expression is "ooooh!!" when he sees something exciting, we have yet to capture his "o" face on camera, but its quite funny.
No walking yet, but a lot of cruising while pushing things and holding on the furniture. Bryce is also free standing for several seconds at a time. So that's him in a nutshell.


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