We do have lives ya know!

Here is a very young and windblown looking Kim at Austyn's Cheerleading end of the season party at her coaches house. They had a moon bounce. Aren't you Jealous? We have pictures of Kim from her rowing days where she looks just like this. must be the bangs. Bryce loves his mommy. (yes, i know i posted the same picture that Kim had done the post before. I just didn't know it until i had already posted it and didn't feel like going back to edit it. Besides, we really, really love mommy!) Isn't she cute?
Here is a mansion that i drive by every day on my way home from work. Sucks to be them. it must be awfully drafty with no roof.
Here is everyone we work with at School, except for Kim, who was home with a baby. the blonde haired lady to my left is Mary, who's position i am taking over. The other guy is Mike, our school Psychologist. That is what Aunt Jen does. The rest are therapists and assistants and a teacher or two.
Luke is still trying to figure out what that squirmy little thing is, and why it can sit on daddy any time it wants, and why he can't. He does try and climb on though, and he's still trying to nurse on me. very strange.
Austyn's school had a arts and music night and she had several pieces on display. Here is her tree frog. She also made a newspaper and they had to write a little bit about their personal hero and guess who she picked? Yes, you guessed it Lindsay Lohan! (just kidding, she picked me!)


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