Panther Lake days

Mommy blew some bubbles for Bryce while we were at the cabin, but they moved too fast for him to follow. He liked the spinny things on the bubble blower though. That thing that looks like a race car is the floaty thing we got for him to sit in. Didn't like it very much though. Perhaps the fish were nibbling on his toes....
Did I mention that Kim and I went to the Dino barbeque? Did you see that Taylor? MMMMMM. Dino bbq. Wish you were there, don't ya?
Daddy, I think i see some fish down there. They look awfully hungry. we might want to leave. like now. I think they are getting closer. Hey, is that one wearing a bib? And holding a catsup bottle!!!
It's very hard to get a picture of Austyn where she isn't posing, but she is very cute either way. this was taken on our hike at Clarks Reservation in Jamesville. It's a beautiful park where you hike on cliffs 175 feet above a lake. I'll add some more pictures next time.


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